For so many people, coffee is a daily staple in their diet—some drink it in the morning, some drink it later, some drink it as a social activity. No matter the reason, A LOT of cups of coffee are being consumed per day.
One thing that makes coffee such a widely beloved drink is its versatility. Coffee comes in so many different shapes and sizes. You can drink it hot, iced, with milk, with sugar, or any number of other ways! However, recent studies are showing that perhaps hot brewed coffee is not the best way to consume this adored beverage. Enter, cold brew coffee. The easy-to-make, sweeter way to get your daily dosage of coffee.
Coffee is THE beverage that everybody’s drinking, and countless cups of coffee are consumed every single day. It can actually be quite beneficial for your health, but only if you’re doing it the right way.
Making sure your coffee is organic (& chemical free) is the best way to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your daily brew. Look for the USDA Certified Organic label on your bag.
Buying organic coffee supports the health of not only yourself, but the farmers and workers who grow and harvest it—as well as the people who live near those farms.
Hot coffee is the morning drink of choice for millions of people around the world, and if you’ve spent any time in coffee shops, you likely have also encountered Cold Brew Coffee. Despite both being made from coffee beans, there are distinct differences between cold brew and hot brew coffee. Here are 10 things you probably don’t know about this cooler alternative to hot coffee.
Cold Brew Coffee—also known as cold press coffee—is actually surprisingly simple to make. Although the time it takes to brew is quite a bit longer than hot brewed coffee, the actual time YOU have to spend doing anything is extremely minimal.
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